Monday, May 19, 2014

23 mobile things #3

I tried the QR barcode scanner. I only tried it from examples in a few magazines. I did not find it all that useful, I was usually taken to the products website or was shown basically the same ad I was viewing. Perhaps it has more use for coupons? I do not seem to see as many of these QR codes as I used to notice, or I have become used to seeing these and do not note it. On to #4

Monday, April 28, 2014

23mobilethings #2

well i finally finished #2 for the Ipad. There were so many tips and tricks it made my head spin and way too many to remember. I did remember how to close an app. I guess i know where i can go to look for info for help.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

23 mobile things thing #1

I hope to learn many new things. I do not have a device of my own so I hope this will help me perform my job better. Perhaps this program will encourage me to get a device of my own. Good luck Jeff!

23 mobile things thing #1

I think I downloaded the app

23 mobile things thing #1

I think I created a blog. Now I must figure out how to download the app